B08131 - AMP200.4

Professional 4-channel power amplifier in an extremely compact 19" 1U-housing   

524.10€ Prezzo di listino (IVA esclusa)


Amplificatore di potenza professionale a 4 canali in chassis rack 19" standard 1U da 4 x 200 WRMS su 4 ohm.

Caratteristiche principali

  • L'unità contiene due amplificatori in Classe-D separati che possono essere configurati in modo indipendente per ottenere le seguenti combinazioni:
    • Entrambi gli amplificatori in modalità stereo: 4 x 200 WRMS @ 4 ohm (4 x 100 WRMS @ 8 ohm)
    • Entrambi gli amplificatori in modalità mono: 4 x 200 WRMS @ 4 ohm (4 x 100 WRMS @ 8 ohm) (si utilizzano solo 2 ingressi per pilotare 4 uscite)
    • Entrambi gli amplificatori in modalità Bridge: 2 x 400 WRMS @ 8 ohm
    • Modalità 3 canali (2 satellitari + sub): 2 x 200 WRMS @ 4 ohm (o 2 x 100 WRMS @ 8 ohm) + 1 x 400 WRMS @ 8 ohm
  • Interruttore di attivazione/disattivazione del filtro passa-alto da 120 Hz per altoparlanti satellite
  • Interruttore di attivazione/disattivazione del filtro passa-basso da 120 Hz per subwoofer
  • Protezioni guasto DC + alta temperatura + protezioni da sovraccarico e cortocircuito
  • È possibile installare una copertura in plastica (inclusa) per impedire l'accesso alle manopole di livello
  • Ingressi XLR bilanciati
  • Uscite compatibili speakON
Professional 4-channel power amplifier in a standard 1U 19" rack chassis, 4 x 200 WRMS into 4 ohms.

Main features

  • The unit contains two separate Class-D amplifiers that can be configured independently to achieve the following combinations:
    • Both amplifiers in stereo mode: 4 x 200 WRMS @ 4 ohms (4 x 100 WRMS @ 8 ohms)
    • Both amplifiers in mono mode: 4 x 200 WRMS @ 4 ohm (4 x 100 WRMS @ 8 ohm) (only 2 inputs are used to drive 4 outputs)
    • Both amplifiers in Bridge mode: 2 x 400 WRMS @ 8 ohms
    • 3 channel mode (2 satellite + sub): 2 x 200 WRMS @ 4 ohm (or 2 x 100 WRMS @ 8 ohm) + 1 x 400 WRMS @ 8 ohm
  • 120 Hz high-pass filter on/off switch for satellite speakers
  • 120 Hz low-pass filter on/off switch for subwoofer
  • DC fault protections + high temperature + overload and short circuit protections
  • A plastic cover (included) can be installed to prevent access to the level knobs
  • Balanced XLR inputs
  • SpeakON compatible outputs

Amplificateur de puissance professionnel à 4 canaux dans un boîtier 19" 1U extrêmement compact (H : 44mm)
L'unité abrite 2 amplificateurs séparés de classe D qui peuvent être configurés indépendamment pour obtenir les combinaisons suivantes :

  • Les deux amplis en mode stéréo : 4x 200WRMS @ 4Ω (4x 100WRMS @ 8Ω)
  • Les deux amplis en mode mono : 4x 200WRMS @ 4Ω (4x 100WRMS @ 8Ω)
  • Les deux amplis en mode Bridge : 2x 400WRMS @ 8Ω
  • Mode 3 canaux (2 sattelites + sub) : 2x 200WRMS @ 4Ω (ou 2x 100WRMS @ 8Ω) + 1x 400WRMS @ 8Ω

Commutateur marche/arrêt du filtre passe-haut 120Hz pour les enceintes satellites
Commutateur marche/arrêt du filtre passe-bas 120Hz pour le subwoofer
Protections contre les défauts de courant continu, les températures élevées, les surcharges et les courts-circuits.
Un couvercle en plastique (inclus) peut être installé pour empêcher l'accès aux boutons de niveau.
Entrées XLR symétriques.
Sorties compatibles Speakon®.

Dati tecnici

Technical characteristics

Dimensions 48.3 x 4.4 x 24 cm
Weight 4.71 kg
Color black
Power input 230 VAC 50 Hz
Energy label no
Display no
IP rating indoor
Min. frequency 20 Hz
Max. frequency 20,000 Hz
Frequency range 120 Hz
S/N ratio 100 dB
Max. output channels 4
WRMS 4 ohm stereo, per channel 200
WRMS 8 ohm stereo, per channel 100
WRMS 8 ohm bridge 400
Functions fixed crossover
Input 3-pin XLR, IEC
Output speakON